
A check list when you cancel the service

  • Members of bundling services can cancel contracts any time during the membership period
  • The bundling services are automatically canceled when you cancel or pause the services that you simultaneously use or change the names. But, if combination of the remained products when individual products are canceled, membership of the bundling services can be maintained
  • When the user registered for the connected product by applying agree period, cancelation charge including discount return may be charged. The discount return is different depending on the rate system for some company, so it is recommended to check the details before cancelation
  • According to the Connected product dispute settlement regulation(Consumer dispute settlement regulation, 2019), it is like below

    - Contract cancel due to the company’s imputation -

    • When the cancel is because of the deficient speed below the minimum guaranteed speed in the clause, total cancelation is possible without paying the cancelation charge. However, telecommunication contract is excluded
    • When the cancel is because of errors exceeding the hours or numbers regulated in the service items, total cancelation is possible without paying the cancelation charge. However, telecommunication contract is excluded
    • The cancelation charge for the gift can be claimed only when the price is stated in the contract, and the period of claim of the cancelation charge for the gift is limited to maximum 12 months
    • The exempted installation charge and discount are included in the exempted cancelation charge When the user is moving to Service Unavailable district
    • Total cancelation is possible without paying the cancelation charge. However, telecommunication contract is excluded. In case of cancelation due to company’s imputation or moving, the discount rate of the remaining product for the rest of agree period. However, when there is only one remaining product, discount is not applied