How to save money on calls

How to save money on calls

Use Wi-fi

Using Wi-Fi in buses, subways, and public places can save data bills

Public places
Public places
Places like cafes and restaurants
Places like cafes and restaurants

Precautions when using Wi-Fi

Caution for input
Sensitive personal information such as financial sites Sensitive personal information such as financial sites
Cautions for leaks
Personal information due to reckless Wi-Fi connection Personal information due to reckless Wi-Fi connection
Cautions for click and run
An APK file or pop-up window that is automatically downloaded while using public Wi-Fi An APK file or pop-up window that is automatically downloaded while using public Wi-Fi

Data roaming

  • Service available overseas through domestic mobile communication network

    If you travel for a short period of time, you can use the domestic phone number as it is

Pocket Wi-Fi

  • Data can be used overseas through a portable Wi-Fi router

    If you travel for a short period of time, you can use the domestic phone number as it is

USIM card

  • You can purchase USIM chips from overseas and use them within the data

    You can't receive it in Korean, but it's cheap and fast