Check charges for using the internet phone service
- If phone bills are sent to you, you should check if fees are exactly charged as the rate system that you made the contract in membership. Especially, the charges for using the additional services that you did not subscribe can be charged. You should check the details of bills carefully
- The bills include monthly minimum according to the rate system that you basically selected, call charges, installation charges, device fees, additional service fees, and discount details
The kind of internet bill The kind of internet bill The kind of internet bill Content Monthly minimum It’s the charges that you pay for use of the internet phone service Call charges It’s the charges for using calls by using the internet phone service Additional service fees It’s the charge that you pay for use of the additional services including the caller identification presentation supplementary service Installation charges It’s the charges that you pay for instaling members terminal newly or changing installation places Device usage fee Who are provided with the terminal from the case to a fee paid by the business - If there are objections to charges, users can raise objections against them to the applicable business operators within 6 months from the billing date. Business operators should notify the applicable users, persons in charge of payment of the charges, or the representatives of the validity of received civil complaints by investigating them within 10 days by phone, e-mail, and text messages
- If there is payment in excess or mistaken payment, the applicable business operators should refund the charges to users or calculate the amount of the next bill by deducting them from it