Check the stipulated time and cancelation charges
- The stipulated time means the use periods that users in advance set when they make contracts. If users set the stipulated time, discount benefits (discounts of monthly minimum, modem rental, and installation charges) are provided
- And the longer stipulated time is, the larger benefits are. However, if you cancel the service or reduce the period during the stipulated time, the discounted charges during the stipulated time should be returned. This is cancelation charges
- Discount return means paying the discounted amount when cancelling or reducing the period of the contract during the agreed period. The calculation standard is different depending on the company, rate system, individual agreement, so confirm the relevant contents by asking the customer service center or checking the cable TV service agreement
- When the agreed period is expired, the company should notify it before the end of contract, and it there is no cancelation or new contract, the contract is extended automatically. When the contract is automatically extended without the agreement of the user, the user may cancel the contract without paying the cancelation charge(Including discount return)