Online communication service education

What is online communication service education?

Online education that allows free use of communication service damage prevention, relief, and smartphone usage regardless of time and place


Organization of online damage prevention education

Precautions for purchasing communication services
통신서비스 구매시 유의사항

Select a terminal subsidy, check the contract details, and check the bill

Precautions for termination of communication service
통신서비스 해지시 유의사항

Contents of penalty (discount refund) and in the case where the fee is exempted

Prevention of mobile phone sales fraud
이동전화 판매사기 예방

Prevention/response of false or exaggerated advertisements and mobile phone sales fraud

Communication finance fraud prevention(1)
통신 금융사기예방(1)

Voice phishing, smishing, messenger phishing prevention/response

Communication finance fraud prevention(2)
통신 금융사기예방(2)

Pharming , romance cam, body cam phishing, burner phone prevention/response method

Smart Basic Usage Description
스마트 기본 사용 설명

How to use data and WiFi, smartphone preferences, basic smartphone operation, install and use major apps


Tips for preventing name theft, instructions for behavior of users with communication disabilities, non-refundable broadcasting and communication, security rules for smart devices, and countermeasures against loss, acquisition, or flooding of mobile phones

Experience the types of kiosks
키오스크 시연

Experience the types of kiosks
