A check list when you subscribe to the service
Check the stipulated time and cancelation charges
- When the user agrees to use the connected product for a certain obligatory use period, discount is offered but when the user cancels the contract during this period, cancelation charge may be charged. The calculation formula of cancelation charge including discount return is different depending on the company, so it is recommended to check the details before registration
- According to ‘Guidelines on sales of bundling services for protection of users’, business operators should specify all the details including period discount, discount by combination, and cancelation charges of bundling services in all the terms and conditions of individual products
- And business operators should explain major contents of the bundling services to users clearly for their reasonable choice and distribute the details to them by writing them in contracts. Users are supposed to sign separate confirmation columns to check the fact that they listen to the major contents. Users must check and sign the relevant details
Select a business operator and a rate system
- When you subscribe to combine items for each company is different and Save Product Register criteria, it is advisable to check the website or through the terms of its providers, and more. Because we are operating a site that calculates the savings due to the combined product subscription fees by operators can take advantage of this if necessary
- The plan is limited by bond discount carriers are. Further discounts may be limited accordingly. That is, if you avoid some of the operators can be applied at the same time if the terms of subsidies combined with discount carriers, and so on
- It should be noted that there may not be duplicated, such as low-income and welfare discount incentives for the combined discount
How to subscribe
How to subscribe
- Discount of the bundling services is not automatically applied. You can be applied to discount of the bundling services when you should subscribe to them separately
- If you select the bundling service which is suitable for you, submit an application form and required documents by visit to windows by you or your representatives, phone, or mail. If your representatives ask for membership, they should submit identifications cards of the mandators or representatives to business operators. Basically, membership of the bundling services is possible when subscribers’ nominal names are identical
- Documentary evidence including after membership must be kept. Users should have the contracts so that they can prove business operators’ faults if there are damage due to contents of additional membership. Especially, they must keep the contracts if they subscribe to the service online without visit to the appliable branches
- When the user wants to confirm if the contract he has and the contract in the company is identical, the user may require reading them