
A check list when you cancel the high speed internet service

Damage due to delay and refusal of cancelation

  • You must check if cancelation of the service is done by contacting the applicable customer centers after cancelling it to prevent the damage caused by carriers’ delay and refusal of cancelation. And you should leave the documents or records which can prove the facts to ask for cancelation

Cancelation charges when you cancel the service

  • Agree period is the obligatory use period set in advance when user is contracting for paid broadcasting. When user sets the agreed period, discounts (Monthly charge, modem rental charge, installation charge), and the range is bigger when the period is longer
  • Discount return means paying the discounted amount when cancelling or reducing the period of the contract during the agreed period. The calculation standard is different depending on the company, rate system, individual agreement, so confirm the relevant contents by asking the customer service center or checking the agreement.
    Cancelation charge (Discount return)
    Cancelation charge (Discount return)
    Classification Calculation formula
    Product charge
    • Return: Discount amount of product charge or paid channels
    • Formula: Total amount of discount × used period + total obligatory use period(daily)
      ※Standard to calculate Total amount of discount is applied differently depending on the agree period
      - Total amount of discount=(Clause amount-monthly product charge)×agreed period(month)
    • Return: Support amount in purchasing and installing the receiver
    • Formula: Support amount × remaining obligatory use period/obligatory use period(daily)
      ※ Remaining obligatory use period = obligatory use period – used period
    Receiver rental charge
    • Return: Users not observing the agree period
    • Formula:(Monthly Rental charge-Agreed period rental charge)×Used days
      ※ When used over the agree period, no discount return in rental discount
      ※ When the used period is less than a year, monthly rental charge standard is no agree standard, when 1~2 years is 1 year standard, when 2~3 years 2 year standard, when 3~4 years 3 year standard, when 4~5 years 4years standard
      ※ The rental charge is different depending on product and agree period

    ※Source: Skylife service clause summary(2014.05.01.) 

Dispute settlement standard in case of service error (2019)

  • In case of cancelation due to company’s imputation, when before opening, the company should return installation charge and compensate the total monthly charge for a year to the user. When moving in 3 months after sign up, the transfer charge is exempted. After opening, return after deducting the daily charge until the cancelation and compensate 10% of the total monthly charge for a year to the user(If there is an installation charge, it is exempted) The contract period should be stated in the contract and it should be notified to the user
  • In case of cancelation due to user’s imputation, return the installation charge and converter deposit immediately when installing and canceling the receiver, and return after deducting 10% of the total monthly charge for a year after opening. If there is an installation charge, it should be compensated
  • The accumulation starts from the occurrence of the service suspension, error
  • When moving to a district where the service is unavailable, cancel the contract without cancelation charge
  • When the contract is automatically extended without the agreement of the user, the user may cancel the contract without paying the cancelation charge before the expiration date
  • In case of emigration, long term studying abroad, when relevant data is submitted, cancel the contract without cancelation charge. However, the discounted amount should be returned

Return of smart cards

  • If you rent smart cards in set-top boxes, you should make business operators collect them on a set data by mutual discussion. Indemnities of devices are charged because smart cards are not collected even though users don’t have any responsibility. Please be especially careful. At this moment, if users return the smart cards to the applicable business operators by inquiring of the customer centers, they don’t have to pay separate indemnities

How to cancel

Cancelation procedure

  • If you try to cancel the satellite TV service, submit required documents by visit to windows by you or your representatives, phone, or mail
  • In case of cancelation application, the company should cancel the service at the desired date, and perform cancelation in 7 days after receipt of cancelation notice. However, when the company requires evidence documents, the user should prepare the documents to cancel the service
  • Carriers inform you of the facts of cancelation by text messages, e-mail, or phone when the cancelation is completed after receiving application for it