Communication Dispute Mediation Counseling Center
Name theft prevention service
Financial Supervisory Service
Science, Technology, Information, Communication, CS Center | Relief for damages such as subscription and termination of broadcasting and communication services, unfair charges, call quality, etc | Communication complaint mediation center |
1335 without a national number Relief for damages such as subscription and termination of broadcasting and communication services, unfair charges, call quality, etc |
080-0800-4278 02-2015-9163 |
080-3472-119 Counseling on damage caused by identity theft related to broadcasting and communication services |
Recruitment of illegal or expedient mobile phone subscribers | Mobile phone search call center | Police station |
080-3472-119 Report unfair practices such as illegal or illegal subscriber recruitment of mobile phones |
1566-4300 |
국번없이 112 Damage from phishing, smishing, financial fraud, mobile phone, and opening fraud |