Services Utilization

IPTV Comparision


kt, sk브로드밴드, lg u+의 IPTV 요금제 정보
kt 교육형 요금제 정보
Rate system name Education type - -

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device -


No contract

10,000won 7,000won -


One-year contract

9,500won 5,000won -


Two-year contract

9,000won 3,000won -


Three-year contract

8,000won 2,000won -


No. of channels

68 -

kt Selective type,SKB Selective type LG U+ Selective type 요금제 정보
Rate system name Selective type Selective type Selective type

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device Charges for the service Charges for the device

Charges for the service Charges for the device

No contract

10,000won 7,000won 15,500won 7,000won

12,000won 7,000won

One-year contract

9,500won 5,000won 14,000won 5,000won

10,500won 5,000won

Two-year contract

9,000won 5,000won 12,500won 3,000won

8,500won 3,000won

Three-year contract

8,000won 2,000won 11,000won 2,000won

7,000won 2,000won

No. of channels

93 42

kt 실속형, SK브로드밴드 DIGITAL 실속형, LG U+ HD라이트 요금제 정보
Rate system name Practical type DIGITAL Practical type HD Light

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device Charges for the service Charges for the device

Charges for the service Charges for the device

No contract

12,000won 7,000won 15,500won 7,000won

12,000won 7,000won

One-year contract

11,400won 5,000won 14,000won 5,000won

10,500won 5,000won

Two-year contract

10,800won 3,000won 12,500won 3,000won

8,500won 3,000won

Three-year contract

9,600won 2,000won 11,000won 2,000won

7,000won 2,000won

No. of channels

172 123

kt 기본형, SK브로드밴드 DIGITAL 표준형, LG U+ HD이코노미 요금제 정보
Rate system name Basic type Digital standard type HD Economy

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device Charges for the service Charges for the device

Charges for the service Charges for the device

No contract

16,000won 7,000won 20,000won 7,000won

14,000won 7,000won

One-year contract

15,200won 5,000won 18,000won 5,000won

12,500won 5,000won

Two-year contract

14,400won 3,000won 16,000won 3,000won

10,500won 3,000won

Three-year contract

12,800won 2,000won 13,000won 2,000won

9,000won 2,000won

No. of channels

203 162

kt 고급형, SK브로드밴드 DIGITAL 고급형, LG U+ HD패밀리 요금제 정보
Rate system name Luxury type Digital luxury type -

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device Charges for the service Charges for the device

- -

No contract

23,000won 7,000won 28,000won 7,000won

- -

One-year contract

21,850won 5,000won 26,000won 5,000won

- -

Two-year contract

20,700won 3,000won 24,000won 3,000won

- -

Three-year contract

18,400won 2,000won 22,000won 2,000won

- -

No. of channels

207 166

kt 이코노미 요금제 정보
Rate system name Economy type - -

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device - -

- -

No contract

- - - -

- -

One-year contract

- - - -

- -

Two-year contract

- - - -

- -

Three-year contract

16,000won 2,000won - -

- -

No. of channels

187 -

kt 스탠다드 요금제 정보
Rate system name Standard type - -

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device - -

- -

No contract

- - - -

- -

One-year contract

- - - -

- -

Two-year contract

- - - -

- -

Three-year contract

20,000won 2,000won - -

- -

No. of channels

194 -

kt 프리미엄 요금제 정보
Rate system name Premium type - -

Monthly minimum
(Charges for the
service + the device)

Charges for the service Charges for the device - -

- -

No contract

- - - -

- -

One-year contract

- - - -

- -

Two-year contract

- - - -

- -

Three-year contract

24,000won 2,000won - -

- -

No. of channels

200 -

kt, sk브로드밴드, lg u+의 설치비(공통), 주요특징 정보

Installation fee(Common)

/Basic/Luxury 24,000won

Premium 35,000won
Common: Is exempted if you
make a three-year contract.
Major features
If you make a three-year contract, the membership and installation charges are exempted.
If you will cancel it within one year, the membership and installation charges which were exempted will be charged.
If you make a more than one year contract of the high speed internet service and apply for automatic withdrawal, the installation charges are exempted. (But, if you cancel it within one year, the whole amount of the installation charges which were exempted should be returned.)

The change and installation charges(12,000won)

If you use TV, you will receive the maximum 10% discount of the charges for using according to contract periods.
For the discount rate of utilization periods, the discount rate of one year(no contract), less than two years (one year), and less than 3 years (two years) are applied.
If you cancel the contract or reduce the period within the contract period, the charges that you received the discount should be returned.
The charges for the device (Select one in the basic and luxury types.)